David Ingram

EnergyREV LEAD for Multi-criteria Evaluation

David Ingram

David Ingram is a Professor of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh. He is also a Fellow of the IMarEST and a Chartered Martine Scientist. He has a strong interest in the training of research students and leads the EPSRC and NERC funded Industrial CDT for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE). He was originally trained as a mathematical modeller and numerical analyst at Manchester Metropolitan University. After moving to Edinburgh, David became more involved in marine energy working closely with experimentalists to develop best practice protocols. He coordinated, the EU EquiMar project which was extended in the European MARINA_Platform and TROPOS project which considered the evaluation protocols, integration of multiple energy converters on floating offshore wind systems, and the integration of energy, transport, aquaculture and leisure activities on floating offshore platforms, respectively. EquiMar has fed into a number of IEC 62600 technical specifications, has been used as a basis for classification and certification rules, and has informed the technology performance level (TPL) metrics developed by the US Department of Energy for the Wave Energy Prize. This work on standards and technology evaluation protocols formed the basis of the approach taken in EnergyRev’s WP5.2 to develop evaluation protocols for smart local energy systems.