Dr. Lakshmi Srinivas Vedantham is with the Centre for Integrated Renewable Energy Generation and Supply (CIREGS) of School of Engineering at the Cardiff University, investigating the design and development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure for smart energy networks with the focus on state-estimation and cyber-physical control issues related to energy systems. In the past, Dr. Lakshmi Srinivas has received POSOCO Power System Award as a recognition for his PhD research work, from Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, while he is also the recipient of research excellence travel award and international research grant from the government of India. His research interests include renewable energy, energy storage systems, power electronic converters, power system optimization, adaptive controllers, Kalman filtering state-estimation methods and machine learning algorithms. At EnergyREV he look at the next wave of local energy systems in a whole systems context.
Email: VedanthamL@cardiff.ac.uk