By Stephen McArthur, Principal Investigator, EnergyREV, University of Strathclyde
As we continue to accelerate into 2021, the EnergyREV consortium has been planning how it will continue to provide insights, innovation and evidence that ensure Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES) are effective in helping to deliver net-zero. We are working on a range of workshops, surveys and sector wide engagements that will gather evidence, provide opportunities for collaboration, and share our outcomes.
In particular, we will be targeting cross-cutting and interdisciplinary challenges that we see arising. There are a number of these emerging, but one I will highlight covers “three-Ds” i.e. how do we drive Decarbonisation with enhanced use of Data and Digitalisation. This is a very busy space just now, and we will bring a number of the key activities together to explore some of the recurring cross-cutting issues; from the challenges of implementing digitalisation strategies and co-ordinating system level data with operational data, through to handling consent and GDPR effortlessly across the complex energy system. We will be circulating information on these events so please look out for the opportunity to join us, as we want to bring as wide a range of expertise, experience and learnings as possible into these discussions.
We recognise that there is a lot happening in the EnergyREV programme. We’re in the process of enhancing our website to make sure the insight reports, learnings and details of our work continually become more accessible and available in appropriate formats. Please drop into the website regularly and you’ll see the evolving picture and get up to date information on all our outputs. You can sign up on our website for invites and to be sent information at