The need for participation in Smart Local Energy Systems

The need for participation in Smart Local Energy Systems

Patrick Devine-Wright, Professor in Human Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter

30 November 2021

Professor Patrick Devine-Wright delivered a keynote at the Sustainable Innovation in Engineering and Technology (SIET) international conference on the 18th and 19th November. Drawing on EnergyRev data and insights, Patrick talked about the social science aspects of energy transitions. His talk drew on case study evidence from different technological sectors, including smart local energy systems, to describe the different ways that engagement and participation play out in real world places. In particular, insights were drawn from the Zero Carbon Rugeley PFER Design project concerning energy projects as acts of place-making employing a user-centered design approach. 

The outcomes of this research together with our National survey will be delivered in 2022 and will be available on the EnergyREV website.