Data ontologies: A key tool for plug and play in smart-energy places

Euan Morris and Stephen McArthur

7th March 2023

How can data ontologies help us deliver smart-energy places?

Smart-energy places are driven by the modernisation and digitalisation of the energy sector, and require the management of complete interactions within and between different systems. Interoperability is crucial for ensuring that these interactions are possible safely, securely, and efficiently.

For true seamless interoperability, plug and play operation must be facilitated, so that new devices, types of device, and functions can be introduced without disrupting the functionality of existing systems.

This report aims to answer the following questions:

Why do we need plug and play?
What is a data ontology?
How have they been used in the energy sector to date?
Why are they important for smart-energy places?
How should the industry approach ontology development?

In doing so, we hope to highlight how a data ontology approach can facilitate plug and play operations for smart local energy systems which deliver smart-energy places, and in particular how this approach is require to enable the integration of advanced artificial intelligence techniques such as multi-agent systems.