Causal Link Skills Model for Energy Transition

Ruzanna Chitchyan and Caroline Bird

24th March 2023

As part of the transition to clean, secure, affordable energy sources and smart local energy systems (SLES), the UK workforce needs new skills.

This demonstration presents 3 case studies in a causal link model for a SLES transition.
It highlights factors that impede or foster growth in skills for SLES.

The demonstration covers:

a) individual sub-system models

i) transition within the energy supply
ii) ICT sub-system
iii) local government
iv) transport and mobility
v) building and retrofit
vi) community energy
vii) skills for citizens

b) integrated system of systems model

By running these models, the causal dynamics between the factors that foster or impede transition to SLES can be explored.
The skills necessary to foster the transition within each sub-system and across the overall SLES will be presented.

You can access the Causal Link Skills platform here: